We are now a Substance Use Treatment Facility ASAM 3.1 Level of Care

“There is evidence that these homes are effective. For example, Jason, Olson, Ferrari, and Lo Sasso (2006) recruited 150 individuals finishing substance use treatment, half were randomly assigned to live in a recovery home while the other half received usual care services. Two-year follow-up results indicated significantly lower substance use among participants in the recovery home condition compared to those in the usual care condition.”
~ Recovery Research Bulletin 2020

Now Accepting MaineCare - Inquire Today

A Message from the Founder

Grace House for women sober living sarah coupe
In 2007, I found myself unable to stop using drugs. I had been trying very hard for years, attending rehab and meetings with no measure of success. I felt hopeless and convinced that I was going to die from addiction. As a last resort, at the suggestion of a newly recovered friend, I decided to work with the Twelve Steps.

​Once I began the body of work designed to provide a necessary spiritual experience, I knew that I could recover. The lifelong requirement is maintenance through a program of action. The continuation is essential, especially in early recovery, where intensive effort must be made to adhere to the principles of the Twelve Steps in order to interrupt the behavioral and emotional patterns of addiction.
When I recognized the need for a structured living home for women, I decided to open Grace House. Its name embodies the gift bestowed upon us through living by spiritual principles. It is also the name of my daughter, who was a small child when I recovered and to whom I dedicate my efforts of paying forward what I have been given by other women in recovery.

I have over 10 years experience working with women of all ages to develop a healthy, structured and practical spiritual program of recovery. To learn more about me and my professional experience, click here.  For more information about Grace House and structured living for women in recovery, please contact us today.

All the best, 
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